10 Funny Deadpool Cosplay GIFS and My Thoughts on Deadpool the Movie


Ok so I loved Deadpool the movie.  It was entertaining the entire way through with lots of LOLs and no lulls.  If you’ve read through any of my other reviews for movies or shows, even if it is something I love there is usually something I’ll complain about.  There really wasn’t anything in the movie I felt could have been done better.  I am really happy the movie didn’t let me down.  At this point, I probably don’t need to tell you to go see it because you’ve most likely already seen it as well consider the movie has now made over 516 million worldwide.

So I’ll shut up and get to the funny gifs I promised to share.

deadpool pleads with powergirl to bounce wonder women punches a pervy deadpool deadpools face might melt staring at rogue's rear Elsa from Frozen tells Deadpool to Let it Go - her boob that is deadpool and casem g deadpool lightsaber dong deadpool plays the saxophone deadpool hits vampybitme with powder deadpool boba fett and slave leia deadpool and vampy bit me creep out


And finally, get your Deadpool swag below:

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What do you think?