The New Batmobile … Erm, Well Kinda.

That’s right boys and girls. If you can’t afford a million dollar movie replica, there’s still hope! A 1991 Geo Tracker has been revamped and turned into a bat-tastic vehicle. Only $5,850!

Originally posted to Craigslist in Scranton, OH.  Here’s 8 pictures of the coolest Geo Tracker ever.

geo tracker batmobile 1 geo tracker batmobile 2 geo tracker batmobile 3 geo tracker batmobile 4 geo tracker batmobile 5 geo tracker batmobile 6 geo tracker batmobile 7 geo tracker batmobile 8



Here is what the ad looked like on Craigslist:

batmobile craigslists ad


So who was the lucky buyer?  I don’t know.  I checked the Scranton CL page and couldn’t find any matches for Geo Trackers.  So since it is not currently listed them perhaps it sold and so far the new owner has not come forth.  It is also possible that the original owner is no longer selling the vehicle.

So anyone else planning on altering their car to make a batmobile?  This guy didn’t exactly make a Batmobile but it is pretty sweet:

batman camaro


You can see more pictures of that Camaro on tattoosbyhalo’s Deviant Art page.  Want to decorate your own ride with the Dark Knight?  See our current Batman offerings in our online store.

What do you think?