The New Season of The Walking Dead

Don’t worry, you’re not about to read a spoiler.  I caught the first season of The Walking Dead last night and it did not disappoint.

As I said, I wasn’t planning to spoil anything for those that didn’t catch the first episode.  But I do feel the need to gush that STUFF ACTUALLY HAPPENED!  The first season of The Walking Dead only had five episodes but each episode was filled with action and progress in the story.  Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed every season of The Walking Dead but some of the episodes just did not have much happening.  I’m hoping the rest of this season will be as action packed.

I understand that Robert Kirkman created The Walking Dead to tell the story of the people and not just the zombies, but I can’t help but find myself disappointed when I spend an hour watching dialog with very little going on.

On another note, a while back I wrote about buying The TWD trade paperbacks of the comic series so I could see what I was missing out on.  So far I’ve read the first 3 books and I haven’t posted on them yet.  My plan was to share some of the more interesting differences between the comics and the T.V. show.  Expect those posts soon!

Occasionally we have merch with zombies on it. Take a look!

What do you think?