Pokemon Girls Cosplay – TBCC
|Ok, I am a little behind. I had meant to write an article on this great cosplay quintet back in August and this was actually at the 2016 Tampa Bay Comic Con. At the time though, I like many of you, was busy playing Pokemon Go.
If you don’t recognize these beautiful ladies, that’s ok. Here’s more pictures along with who they are and where to see more.
KayBear Cosplay as Sandslash
Sandslash isn’t my favorite Pokemon but Kaybear is definitely one of my favorite cosplayers. You can see more of her on Instagram here.
Jessica Nigri as Cubone
I love watching Jessica’s Youtube videos. People from all over send her mail and on Mondays she shares the videos and usually does some crazy things. She also shares videos of costume creations and there is one for this Cubone cosplay as well. Check it out below:
Jessica has an instgram account with lotsa photos too check it out.
Lisa Lou Who Venonat Cosplay
I wasn’t sure what a venonat cosplay would look like but I am pleased. Lisa also did an Ash Ketchum cosplay as well and I just had to share a pic of that too!
You can see more of Lisa Lou Who on her Instagram page.
Leeanna Vamp as Zubat
Ok I only watched a few of the early seasons of Pokemon and the movie and those were all many moons ago. I didn’t recall Zubat at all until Pokemon Go and in PoGo he was more annoying to me than the rattatas. There’s nothing annoying about Leeanna Vamp though. Zubat also gains lots of cool points after seeing this cosplay. Leeanna is making her way onto television now too. First in Con Man and now on SyFy’s Cosplay melee. I got to meet her at SWCO earlier this month and she was very cool. Of course she’s on instagram and you can see more of her here.
Jenifer Ann as Meowth Cosplay
Jenifer killed it as Meowth. I found a video on her youtube channel with her in the costume.
Follow her on Instagram and see more of her cosplay.
But Wait There’s More!
Also, not shown in the Pokemon cosplay group photo is Princess Calaveraa who makes a pretty cute Squirtle!
See more of Princess Calaveraa on her Instagram page.